All What Do You Want To Know About Keto Diet

 what is the keto diet?

What To Know Before You Go Keto?

In the month of January, we are constantly bombarded with messages suggesting that a fresh start and improvement come from trying out a new diet or gym membership. As the year begins, our mindset often shifts accordingly, and a lot of us seek to shed some weight gained during the holidays by following a diet that promises rapid results. One particular diet that has gained significant attention in the past ten years is the ketogenic diet. According to our 2022 IFIC Food and Health Survey, seven percent of participants stated that they had followed the ketogenic diet in the previous year.

You may be familiar with the ketogenic diet, also known as "keto," but you might not be well-informed about it. This article provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the ketogenic diet, along with some important advice you should consider if you are considering trying it.

What is the ketogenic diet?

Despite the perception that the ketogenic diet is a modern creation, it is not a newfound method of eating. Actually, the ketogenic diet was first implemented in the 1920s as a means of treating individuals with epilepsy, following evidence that fasting lessened the occurrence of seizures. Presently, healthcare providers still utilize ketogenic eating patterns for therapeutic purposes, but the diet is also gaining popularity beyond its clinical use.

What is the ketogenic diet exactly? The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, is a way of eating that consists of consuming high levels of fat, moderate amounts of protein, and minimal carbohydrates. This eating plan typically includes foods such as butter, cheese, eggs, meat, nuts, oils, seafood, and seeds. However, it restricts the intake of fruits, vegetables, grains, potatoes, sweets, and other foods that are high in carbohydrates.

While there are different versions of the ketogenic diet, they all have a common goal of limiting carbohydrate consumption. A typical ketogenic meal plan aims to have about 5% of calories from carbs, 20% from protein, and 75% from dietary fats. For a 2,000-calorie per day ketogenic diet, this would be approximately 100 calories (25 grams) of carbs, 400 calories (100 grams) of protein, and 1,500 calories (167 grams) of fat. Although certain ketogenic diets, depending on their phase and the individual's calorie needs, may allow for up to 70 grams of carbs per day, the usual maximum intake goal is 50 grams or less.

A ketogenic diet aims to achieve nutritional ketosis by limiting carbs and controlling protein intake. This state triggers the production of ketones in the liver, which serve as the main energy source for the body. In contrast, when we are not in ketosis, our body relies on glucose from carbohydrates for energy.

What—exactly—are ketones?

Ketones are substances that dissolve in water and are created when the liver breaks down fat. The production of ketones is a natural process that happens regularly, even during sleep. Our liver continuously produces some ketones, but when we consume a lot of carbohydrates and protein throughout the day, our ketone production stays relatively low.

In what way do carbohydrates in our diet supply energy?

In the English language, the paragraph can be paraphrased as follows: Carbohydrates can be divided into two types: ones that our bodies can break down and those we cannot digest, which are known as dietary fiber. When we consume carbohydrates we can digest, they are broken down into their simplest forms known as monosaccharides such as fructose, galactose, and glucose. Among these monosaccharides, glucose is the most prevalent in nature, so most of the carbohydrates we consume eventually become glucose. Additionally, our bodies have the ability to convert fructose and galactose into glucose

Glucose is essential for our survival. It is consistently delivered through our bloodstream, thanks to insulin, to ensure a continuous source of energy. We also store glucose in the form of glycogen in our liver and muscles. Normally, we have enough glycogen to last us about a day. If our blood glucose levels drop, the liver breaks down glycogen to increase blood glucose. Similarly, when our muscles require energy for contraction and our blood glucose is low, they break down their glycogen stores.

What are alternative ways to obtain energy if we do not consume carbohydrates in our diet?

Our bodies constantly keep track of and protect our energy levels while we engage in various activities such as eating, exercising, sitting, or sleeping. If needed, our bodies have the ability to produce energy from sources other than carbohydrates.

Our bodies have various methods to produce glucose, such as gluconeogenesis, which involves using non-carbohydrate substances. Additionally, we can convert protein and fat into energy. For instance, the amino acids found in the proteins we consume can be utilized in gluconeogenesis to create glucose. Moreover, triglycerides, a type of fat stored in adipose tissue, can be broken down through lipolysis and initiate a series of reactions that produce ketones when our glycogen stores are depleted.

To summarize, reducing the reliance on carbohydrates for energy leads to greater production of ketones. While the liver continuously produces ketones from fat for energy, increasing the body's use of fat as an energy source enhances the production of ketones. However, excessive protein consumption can inhibit ketone production, making it harder to achieve and sustain ketosis. This is why a genuine ketogenic diet sets restrictions on both protein and carbohydrate intake.

Important Things To Know About Keto

Now that we have a clearer comprehension of the concept and mechanism of a ketogenic diet, let us explore some of its advantages and disadvantages.

Keto can kickstart weight loss.

The main reason why people are attracted to adopting a ketogenic diet is the promise of losing weight. Many individuals see rapid initial weight loss when they follow a ketogenic diet, largely because they consume fewer calories. This decrease in calorie intake can be attributed to various factors that come with consuming fewer carbohydrates, such as feeling fuller and having decreased hunger and appetite. Additionally, the body sheds water weight and burns more calories, contributing to the weight loss. Nevertheless, when you stop following a ketogenic diet, there will be some immediate weight regain as the body replenishes its glycogen stores, which leads to water retention and an increase in weight.

There are several different diets that can assist individuals in losing weight quickly. However, maintaining that weight loss is the challenging aspect. The positive effects of weight loss and improved health that come with specific diets typically diminish after approximately one year. Nonetheless, certain studies suggest that reaching the two-year mark may be crucial for successfully maintaining weight loss in the long run. These unfortunate realities apply to both low-carb/high-fat diets like the ketogenic diet and any other regimen that promotes lower fat and higher carbohydrate consumption.

Maintaining any type of diet in the long run is challenging, including the keto diet.

Maintaining weight loss is a difficult task, regardless of the type of diet followed. This is mainly because it is challenging to stick to a specialized diet for extended periods. Recent research has indicated that people's adherence to a well-structured ketogenic diet was similar to that of a Mediterranean diet during a 12-week crossover study. However, during the 12-week period immediately following the 24-week intervention, adherence to the ketogenic diet was lower. Another study, conducted over two years, compared adherence to low-carb, low-fat, and Mediterranean diets. The study found that during the first six months, adherence to a low-carb diet was higher, but overall compliance was lower and more people dropped out from the low-carb group by the end of the study.

Keto might be beneficial for certain medical conditions, but not all.

There is a growing body of research on the effects of a ketogenic diet on specific diseases, particularly diabetes and obesity. While originally used to treat epilepsy, recent studies have shown that a ketogenic diet can lead to improvements in weight loss and insulin and blood-glucose markers in the early stages. However, these benefits tend to diminish after about a year and are dependent on the specific type of diet being compared to a ketogenic diet. Similarly, non-ketogenic diets that replace carbohydrates or saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats have also shown beneficial effects on insulin and blood-glucose markers. It is important to note that ketogenic diets can increase LDL-cholesterol levels in certain individuals. LDL-cholesterol is considered the "bad" cholesterol and should be kept low to maintain heart health.

It is important to monitor the impact of a ketogenic diet on certain health conditions. If you are planning to follow a ketogenic diet to address a long-lasting health issue, it is advisable to seek assistance from a registered dietitian or your main healthcare provider to ensure its safety.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans do not support the use of Keto.

The ketogenic diet contradicts the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans due to its focus on limiting carbohydrates, absence of a cap on saturated fat, and absence of a target for fiber consumption.

The effectiveness of Keto compared to your current diet is uncertain and may or may not be better.

Regrettably, a small number of Americans adhere to the dietary guidelines recommended by the DGA, and there is clearly scope for enhancing the average American diet. Whether or not adopting a ketogenic diet will bring you closer to the DGA recommendations depends on your own eating habits. If you follow a well-planned ketogenic diet that highlights lean proteins, dairy products, as well as plant-based foods like berries, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, and seeds, it can have positive effects on your health. This is especially true if you currently do not consume such foods or if you tend to consume excessive amounts of added sugar, calories, or sodium.

Keto cuts food groups.

A ketogenic diet involves heavily limiting carbohydrates, which includes avoiding or significantly reducing intake of dairy, fruits, grains, and vegetables. While carbohydrates are important for a healthy diet, specifically in terms of dairy, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, a well-structured ketogenic diet may include small portions of certain fruits like berries and non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli.

Keto keeps it simple.

Cut back on carbohydrates, then achieve and sustain ketosis. It is understandable why many people would want to give the keto diet a shot due to its straightforward recommendation to avoid carbs. However, things are not always as uncomplicated as they appear. If you're interested in a more balanced approach to keto, consider exploring a properly designed ketogenic diet with the guidance of a registered dietitian or your doctor.

You will experience a feeling of sadness or low energy due to the "keto flu".

The rumors you may have heard are true. When starting a ketogenic diet, many people experience physical discomfort that is different from their normal state, and it is usually not pleasant. Some common symptoms that are often reported include constipation, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and an upset stomach. This initial phase of starting a ketogenic diet is known as the "keto flu." Drinking plenty of water and adding a bit more salt to your meals can help relieve some of these symptoms. The reassuring thing is that this phase is not permanent, and once your body adjusts to the diet, these symptoms should go away.

Beware of bad breath.

Similar to the "keto flu," this unfortunate aspect of following a keto diet can also be a reality. "Keto breath" occurs when the body produces and exhales acetone, a type of ketone that is not as crucial for energy during ketosis. Keto breath is different from regular bad breath, meaning that improving dental hygiene, although always a good practice, will not eliminate this side effect of ketosis. However, there is no need to worry as this condition is temporary and varies in intensity from person to person. Additionally, you will likely see an improvement in your breath once your body adjusts to its new primary fuel source.

Limitations on what we are allowed to eat can change how we view and interact with food.

Transitioning to a ketogenic diet is a significant change that can impact our perspective on food and our connection with it. Adopting a simplified approach to eating by restricting food choices may not be beneficial for everyone, so it's crucial to be aware of how our attitudes towards food change as we modify our eating habits. It is especially important to acknowledge the importance of finding enjoyment, satisfaction, and familiarity in food, rather than treating it solely as a means to an end. It is crucial to exercise caution when following a restrictive diet, especially for individuals with a history of disordered eating.

Keto: A Conclusion

A ketogenic diet may be a more convenient and healthier way of eating for some individuals, but it may not be suitable for everyone. This diet originated for therapeutic purposes, and it can be too restrictive and challenging for the average person to adopt and maintain. Additionally, the clinical benefits associated with a ketogenic diet may not be applicable to everyone. It is important to note that the ketogenic diet does not align with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, particularly in terms of recommended carbohydrate and saturated fat intake. Despite this, numerous studies have been conducted on ketogenic diets, and ongoing research as well as future studies are expected. As more people consider trying out the keto diet, it is crucial for researchers to gain a better understanding of its pros and cons beyond its clinical applications.

The content of this article does not aim to cover every aspect and should not be used as a guide for extremely low-calorie ketogenic diets or specific disorders related to carbohydrate, fat, or protein metabolism. If you have a metabolic condition including diabetes, glycogen storage disease, or phenylketonuria, or if you seek guidance on very low-calorie diets to address a health issue, it is recommended to consult with a medical professional before starting a ketogenic diet.
